as part of our class on Design for Web 2.0, we are spending a whole week on Twitter to (earn a badge) learn how we can leverage this platform for learning.

as stated in the challenge, one of the hardest thing to do with Twitter is indeed “what to tweet”? the limitation of 250 characters pose a real challenge, especially for a person who tends to write long sentences like me.

but when there is a will – there is a a away!

the 7 day Twitter challenge in which each day has a specific theme/topic makes tweeting more fun & easy. below is my recaps for the challenge & my key take away.

Day 1: June 12 – #MemeMonday – share a meme related to online life, make us laugh

Day 2: June 13 – #ToolboxTuesday – share one of your favorite online tools

Day 3: June 14 – #WonderingWednesday – ask a question about online tools, online life, online topics, and hopefully get answers

Day 4: June 15 – #TBT or #ThrowbackThursday – post a technology memory or throwback, preferably with a visual (e.g.,#TBT to my computer in elementary school)

Day 5: June 16 – #FollowFriday – recommend an account for us to follow

Day 6: June 17 – #ShoutoutSaturday – give a shoutout to a classmate who’s done good, written a cool blog post, etc.

Day 7: June 18 – SumItUpSunday – gather your six posts and embed them in a blog post where you write about the challenge.

—- you are reading it here

my takeaways from the challenge: Twitter serves as a great platform to embrace connectivism (Siemens, G.,2004) because:

  • The platform makes it simple and quick for users to provide diverse opinions in a brief and concise manner. simultaneously, numerous individuals can express their opinion.
  • The platform supports links. I love its preview capabilities, which allow me to introduce my classmate to more information sources.
  • The hashtag system of the platform provides a way to view connections between ideas and concepts.
  • The platform permits the most recent information to appear first.
  • The platform (and the challenge) does foster our classmate relationships; I’ll definitely follow their future endeavors on Twitter/LinkedIn!

so far, I’ve had a fantastic experience with Twitter and its features, thanks in large part to the excellent assistance of my professor, teaching assistant, and classmates! this experience indeed pushed me out of my “fear-of-posting” and i’m glad that some of my classmates enjoy my posts! [thank you again DOUBLEM!!!!]


Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. Retrieved from

One response to “a week with Twitter @ reflection”

  1. jungdasilver Avatar

    I enjoyed your Twitter challenges posts! I also agree on what doubleM shared about you!! 🙂


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